Powell, OH

Campaign Information


Top Individuals

Zach Cunningham $348.30
Team Stutz $235.21

Top Teams

Team Stutz $341.91

Zach Cunningham

Hi!  My name is Zach Cunningham, and I am going into the 4th grade at Liberty Tree elementary.  This is the third time I have raced in the JAKESTRONG 5K.  My aunt, Stacie Cunningham, died of cancer before I had a chance to meet her.  She was 24 years old.  My parents have told me about how Stacie fought cancer and how hard it was.  I want to do what I can to help find a cure for cancer.  For my birthday party this year, I am asking my friends to donate to JAKESTRONG, instead of bringing presents. 


My Contributors

Michael Moschetta $106.70
Keenan Sanders $50.00
The Bowsers $10.00
joyce bixler $10.00
Bruce Bixler $130.00
Pat & Carolyn Cunningham $20.00
Benjamin Kranz $21.60
Trust Guard Security Scanned